โดย ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ สมบัติ อยู่เมือง
ศูนย์วิจัยภูมิสารสนเทศเพื่อประเทศไทย จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย [ GISTHAI ]
e - mail : ysombat@chula.ac.th
This Study Project was initially proposed by Chula Unisearch to the Department of Mineral Resources, Ministry of Industry and was then approved by the authority.
The first phase of the study (from October 1998 - June 1999) is to initiate a "conceptual plan" for the development of water resources supplying the industrial sector. This plan is to be set up in accordance with such existing government plans as water allocation plans in public and agricultural sectors, so on and so forth. The Geographical Information Systems (GIS) is the integral part of the study. The physical, environmental and economic aspects of the studied areas will be presented through the collection of related data from authorities concerned and stored systematically by the GIS application. Accordingly, the Study under this phase could point us clearer questionable demand and supply sites in the short and long periods, provide us clearer possible solutions as well as the desirable public policies. This study aims at compiling and presenting three-dimensional models of land subsidence during 1990 to 1997 by applying the secondary data from Department of Mineral Resources (DMR), Royal Thai Survey Department (RTSD), Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) and National Environmental Board (NEB). Synthesized by Geographic Information Systems softwares, namely, Arc View GIS and Arc View 3D Analyst, the model will clearly demonstrate significant land subsiding areas year by year. Through this means, land subsidence in Bangkok Metropolis can be estimated and monitored interactively corresponding to environmental management in the future, such as groundwater or flood control and so on.